Scientific explanation of the story of Moses splitting the Red Sea

          Prophet Moses can not be separated from the red sea. One of the miracles of the prophet Moses parting the Red Sea is its ability. So that it can pass through the Messenger of Allah and his followers to avoid pursuit by Pharaoh and his army. Permission of Allah Musa group managed through the deep sea. Sea again closed and Pharaoh with his troops also sank into the red sea. The story is clearly written in the Koran and the Bible.

          After going through research computer that long enough., researchers in the United States concluded the story of the Red Sea split as if give way for Moses, when viewed from the Scientific, very may occur. east wind blowing through the night could encourage the sea water as narrated in the Qur'an or the Bible. According to the simulation komw, who study how to wind affect the water, shows that wind able to encourage the water back at one point so that such as the form a river bend to fused with the lagoon dipesisir. reported research center atmosphere national( NCAR) and universities colorado." simulation results is perfect with the story of the delivered in Exodus( Exodus)," said Carl drews of NCAR, who led the study." parting of water( sea) can be understood through the fluid dynamics. Wind move the water in a way that in accordance with the physical laws. Creating the hall for safe passage with water on both sides. and allow water to close unexpectedly returned." Drews and his colleagues. Learn how the cyclone in Pacific Ocean can move and affect the water ocean in. The researchers also appoint one site in the south Sea Mediterranean as a place crossing the legendary model with the ground that allows the sea water splitting.

       This model Requires formation U- shaped from the river nil and shallow lagoon along the coastline. This suggests that winds of 63 miles per hour that continues to blows for 12 hours, could encourage the water up to the depth of 6 feet( 2 meters)." is becoming land bridge along the 3 4 kilometers( 2 to 2, 5mil) and spacious 5 kilometers( 3mil), and remain open for 4 hours," they wrote journalized Public Library of Science, PLoS ONE." people fascinated by this story and wondered whether it comes from the fact historical facts as well as if there is possible," said Drews." this study shows that the description of the separation of the waters does have a basic and physical laws.

Source: Nurul Hayat.

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